31 July 2017

Day 25 - Trust Walk

Trust Walk Day 25: I trust You, Lord. I’m God’s design. Psalm 139:14-17

Let’s start today off with an assignment.  Get pen and paper.  Go to a mirror.  Jot down every imperfection you think have.  When you look at yourself, do you see pimples?  Is there too much hair in some areas?  Do you think you are too heavy?  Do you like your clothes? Your hair? Your skin color?  What do you see when you look at you.  Be honest with yourself. 

Now, reread this information.  How does it make you feel to read this?  Are you enlightened? Optimistic?  Happy?  Depressed?  Dear, God, please don’t feel suicidal!

Let’s say you are not feeling a positive emotion towards what you see in the mirror?  Why do you think you feel this way?  Write down the answer to this.  Again, be honest.  (If you do feel good about you, write down why and your assignment is to make sure it lines up with the word.)

Now here’s a new assignment.  Rip the paper to shreds and declare: I AM GOD’S DESIGN.  I AM FEARFULLY AND WONDERFULLY MADE.  WHEN HE ORCHESTRATED MY BEING, HE MADE ME PERFECT IN HIM. 

I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well. My substance was not hid from thee, when I was made in secret, and curiously wrought in the lowest parts of the earth. Thine eyes did see my substance, yet being unperfect; and in thy book all my members were written, which in continuance were fashioned, when as yet there was none of them. How precious also are thy thoughts unto me, O God! how great is the sum of them! Psalm 139:14-17

And here is yet one more thing you must practice: loving yourself as much as God loves you.  Sure, you may have put on a few pounds over the years, but what are you going to do about it?  Your skin may be flawed with marks and pimples.  What are you going to do about it?  Your hair may be crunchy and dry.  What’s your plan to fix this?  If you think you have flaws then they are your own because when He made you, He made you in His image and His image is not flawed.  When He looks at you, He looks at you like a daddy looking at his offspring: with a love that will never falter.

But if you have created the monster you think we see, what are you doing about it to fix it?  First, seek Holy Spirit for your constant reminder that you are fearfully and wonderfully made.  It seems you have forgotten who made you and what great care He took.  Also, ask Him to remind you who you are in Christ.  In Christ you are perfected, purified by the blood.  You are strong, victorious, an overcomer, successful, and just completely and totally AWESOME!!  Once your mind can see you as God sees you, you are one step closer to being who you were designed to be.

With the understanding that He made you with uniqueness that is just for you, discover who you are meant to be in the Kingdom.  Sometimes just being out of place is enough to drive you to not like who you see in the mirror.  Find your God-given purpose for this Earth and get to it.  Embrace it and watch the lines from your face melt away in pure joy. 

What? know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? 1 Corinthians 6:19

What are you putting in your body to pollute it?  Stop it!  What are you not doing to keep your body’s upkeep?  Do it!  This body is not your own.  Too many people of God are dying prematurely due to greed and gluttony.  They are just too heavy!!  What example is being made when you die of heart disease because you are overweight?  God honored the blood by ensuring healing is made available, but if you are still overeating, don’t blame Him for your issues.  Push the plate away and get up!  Spend some time with God in fasting.  Get to work doing your assignment.  Stop being lazy.  Get to moving.  You have work to do. You were put in this earth for a special assignment. Make sure the body loaned to you is up for the task. It’s not built to last forever.

You are fearfully and wonderfully made.  Do you believe that?  Do you feel the love when He looks at you? Can your mind be changed to know who you are because of whose you are?  Can you accept that His design for you is perfect?  Can you make small changes to fix the errors you have caused?  Can you do a little bit of research to learn what He has provided in nature to fix these things?  Most of your issues with yourself are in your head and created by you.  They can be fixed by the renewing of your mind and small changes in your daily habits. 

Don’t compare yourself to others.  When He made you, His focus was on you.  His work is perfect and that’s how you were meant to be. 

Going back to the design,


Keiyia JOYet George

Trust Walk: Walking in His Steps coming soon!


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