03 August 2017

Day 28 - Trust Walk

Trust Walk Day 28: I trust You, Lord. I receive my daily bread. Exodus 16

Today is a new day. Have you asked for your daily supplies?  If not, how do you expect to survive today?  Oh, today is payday! Today you have money in the bank. Today your pantry is filled. Today your gas tank isn't empty. Today you have all that you need. How do you think this came about?

What if you didn't have all that you needed? Daily, you wondered if this was the day you'd eat or have something to drink. Weekly you wondered where you would bathe. Monthly you were concerned about your living quarters not being available. Your car is on its last leg. Your gas gauge is below 'E'. Your company just downsized. Your spouse just left you. You have some need that is not being met. 

What if...

What if you were in full time ministry and you had to depend on God daily to meet your needs, could you?  Would you? 

Exodus 16 relates the story of God meeting a daily need for His people. The Israelites had been in the desert for 2.5 months.  As usual, they complained. It seems that's all they ever did: murmur and complain.  Once again, their gentle Savior heard their complaints and told Moses He'd send food down for them. In the evening they had meat. Each morning bread was provided. Daily they were to gather only what they needed. The only exception was on the sixth day of the week they were to gather a double portion to have for the Sabbath. 

Most families took what they needed. Those that needed an abundance, left nothing over. Those that needed a small amount, saw no lack. As you would expect, some families took extra thinking they'd save it for 'just in case'. When they woke the next morning, the saved portion was no good. It was filled with worms. The only time it wasn't 'sour' is when they saved for the Sabbath. But once again, there were some families who went out on the Sabbath to collect and found none. Afterwards, they realized God was faithful and rested each Sabbath. 

God provided for them for 40 years. Forty years these people lacked nothing.  But you know the crazy part about this?  They wondered around the desert for 40 years!  They kept doubting that God could do what He said He'd do. He'd promised them the land. All they had to do was trust and obey. These people continuously walked by sight and not by faith. Because of their unbelief, God waited for the generation to die out before He allowed His people into the land He promised. Are you out wondering around in the desert because of your disobedience and doubt?

You may have been taught what's known as The Lord's Prayer. This prayer is found in Matthew chapter six. But turn your attention to just this part:

Give us this day our daily bread.  Matthew 6:11 KJV

If you recite this Prayer, you've asked God to provide for you daily. Was this request made blindly? Did you not realize you were asking for daily 'manna'?  If not, well now you know. It's time to trust that He will provide for you each day.

Jesus reminds us that we should ask for our daily provision.  Daily, He said, He will provide for you. Don't save up thinking you won't have for tomorrow.  Tomorrow will work itself out. Today is today and today He will provide for you. When tomorrow is today, then He will provide for you again. Can you trust Him? 

Here's an exercise for you.  What do you have need of?  Make your need known. Line up your request with the word of God. Seek Him out and ensure His will and your will match. With all of your Heart, trust Him to provide. Never wavering, never doubting. Kick out the ‘what ifs’. For once in your life, REALLY trust God to meet a need. He's provided in the past for others. He's doing it today.   Why wouldn't he do it for you? 

Will you trust Him for your daily bread?

Fed daily,
Keiyia JOYet George 

Trust Walk: Walking in His Steps coming soon!


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