22 August 2016

Psalm 37: Part 5 - REST

Psalms-37--Part-5 There was once this organization that promised me a new position and pay IF I accepted a position that was a lower pay grade and less responsibility than my current post.  This same organization often delayed annual pay increases but ensured the increase happened by the end of the year (in most cases).

In the first instance, I was not willing to accept the lower pay grade position on a ‘promise’. I knew this organization often made these promises and people would be waiting for this promised ‘promotion’ for years before they saw the promise fulfilled, if at all. I was full aware of the office, departmental, and organizational politics involved to get a post not only created, but re-classed.  And while I would be told year in and year out ‘next year’, I’d be expected to perform the more senior position’s duties and responsibilities.  I know people who took the position on a promise and was forced to repeatedly follow-up and was often given one of many excuses (just depended on the day of the week, I guess).  To actually get this promise required patience and laboring.

In the second instance, I treated my delayed pay as what I often call ‘Christmas bonus’ as the pay would come normally in December as the month-end pay BEFORE the month-end (before Christmas).  This pay I knew would happen no matter what.  As long as I performed and the annual appraisal was submitted any time prior, it was a solid, done deal.  With this, I didn’t mind ranking up the pay month after month and receiving one lump sum at some point.  It was virtually guaranteed to be received.  If I waited, it would come.  Most times, I didn’t even have to follow-up, and if I did, it was just a simple call to check on things.

In the two examples above, do you think you could wait in either case?  For some, the answer would be an astounding NO!  For others, maybe you could, knowing the promise would be fulfilled…at some point.  

Be still and rest in the Lord; wait for Him and patiently lean yourself upon Him; fret not yourself because of him who prospers in his way, because of the man who brings wicked devices to pass.  (Psalm 37:7 AMPC)

Let’s break this verse down into parts and apply it to one or both of the examples above.

Be still and rest in the Lord

In the second example, I was still and rested in the fact that I knew the increase would happen.  If not in the same year, the next year, but it was going to happen.  All of the appropriate paperwork was submitted and confirmed.  It would come through.  I didn’t have to call to check on it (be still), I just knew it would come through (rest).

In the first example, there would be almost no rest as the labor required to get this promised fulfilled was intensive, and if the promise was not in writing, that wait would just depend on someone’s gracious mood being turned on (I wish I’d known I was favor magnet back then!).

Wait for Him and patiently lean yourself upon Him

In the first example, there was nothing to lean on.  Nothing in writing.  Nothing guaranteed.   Just a verbal promise someone offered to get me in the position.  While their intentions were probably good, my waiting would have most likely been in vain, as oftentimes people forget the urgency of a matter until the matter affects them directly.  I most likely would have grown weary and moved on waiting.  (Lol.  Even now, I picture myself falling as I try to lean on the unstable word of promise.)

Fret not yourself because of him who prospers in his way

Fret not…if you’ve ever worked in an organization like this, fretting is a norm of the day.  There are policies and guideline, but their application depends on the day of the week and individual applying it.  You may be paid…you may not.  You may get your bonus…you may not.  Every month it’s like your life is in the balance depending on what the organization deemed priority at the moment.  They prosper and whom they want to prosper, prospers.  But you…little insignificant you…you wait to be prosperous.  

But guess what!  Today is the day of recompense!  In case you have forgotten, you an heir to the throne.  A god in the earth realm.  Made in His image.  He will have His revenge on your enemies. No one or thing shall prevail against you.  Do you believe it?  Well, you should.  

Cast your cares on the LORD and he will sustain you; he will never let the righteous be shaken. Psalm 55:22 (NIV)

In all things, give thanks.  If you cannot give thanks when things look dim, do you think you will be thankful when everything is going well?  Practice now.  Therefore, when there is plenty to rejoice for, it will not be far from you.  Plus, every tribulation is fertile training ground to take you higher.  That, itself, is enough to rejoice about.

Rejoice always, pray continually, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.  1 Thessalonians 5:18 (NIV)

Just like I knew my annual increase would happen (although in its on time), it always came right when I needed, most often as a ‘Christmas bonus’, just in time for travel plans with the family.  Trust in knowing that if you are still, God will vindicate you.  Lean on His promises and they will keep you.  Be anxious for nothing!

 Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; and the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. Philippians 4:6-7 (NKJV)

Rest in knowing that His Word is bond.  If He said it, it shall happen! And if He says it twice, it has already been established!  #verilyverily

Keiyia JOYet George

The examples I gave above are true and real, but as I recall them now I smile.  Sometimes I look back and say ‘If only I knew then what I know now!!!’  But forward we must go.  DO you have a time in life where you could apply Psalm 37:7?  Share.  We’d love to read about it.

Psalms 37 Series

Part 1 -  Evildoers

Part 2 - Do Good

Part 3 - Heart's Desire

Part 4 - The Son Will Rise and Shine For You



  • Hi I will rest in the Lord for in Him, I find healing, comfort, peace, joy and sustenance. I thank God for the trials in my life because they came to make me strong and mature in the faith. It is a process that is essential if we want become as pure gold in the scriptures.
    8/23/2016 3:39:15 PM Reply
    • @Arona Forbes: Hi, Arona, we are always being tested in the earth realm. Most of our lives are spent being tested over some or other. We often forget this when God is testing us. Every test we've had [should've] tested our skill level and made us better. Before the gold is ever used, it's placed in the fire over and over and tested repeatedly. So yes, testing is required. But I'm sure the gold labours in rest knowing the process will clean it up! Hallelujah! Clean me up!
      8/23/2016 7:02:59 PM Reply

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