24 July 2017

Day 18 - Trust Walk

Trust Walk Day 18:  I trust You, Lord.  I will not dwell on things.  Job 3:25

Next to doubt, fear is the sneakiest spirit yet.  It creeps up on you and before you know it, you are in a full blown spiritual downward spiral.  You aren’t sleeping.  Every turn of the head, you are waiting for the other shoe to drop.  It’s often coupled with worry which can have all kinds of side effects, but the stronger spirit for worry is fear.  The strongman, or root cause of your fear, can be any number of things that require deliverance.

Rest assured because if you house Holy Spirit, fear has to leave!  It’s not part of the Gift nor the fruit of the Spirit.  Let’s list out the gifts that come with the Spirit:

  1. word of wisdom;
  2. word of knowledge;
  3. faith;
  4. gifts of healings;
  5. miracles;
  6. prophecy;
  7. distinguishing between spirits;
  8. tongues; and
  9. interpretation of tongues..

Do you see fear listed?  No?  Let’s check the fruit:

  1. love;
  2. joy;
  3. peace;
  4. longsuffering;
  5. gentleness;
  6. goodness;
  7. faith;
  8. meekness; and
  9. temperance.

Any fear listed here?  NO!!! You know why?  Because we weren’t given a spirit of fear (2 Timothy 1:7).  So kick fear to the curb and leave the concern alone.

For the thing which I greatly feared is come upon me, and that which I was afraid of is come unto me. Job 3:25 (KJV)

So what was Job thinking about so intensely that it finally happened?  Well, considering he’d lost everything but a contentious wife, that may be what he feared most: losing it all. He lost his children, crop, and animals.  He lost it all.  So was Job sitting around thinking and worrying about his family and possessions?  It seems so.  But didn’t God refer to him as His ‘blameless and upright’?  Yep, He sure did.  Job was definitely a true man of God if God held him so highly.

This goes to show that no matter how close you are to the Father, fear can creep in if you allow the door to be opened even a little crack.  This wasn’t written, but Job maybe had a slight thought one day.  He may have said to himself, “Lord, I don’t know what I will do if I lost this all, but I thank you for it.  I love my children.  They are the apple of my eye.” If he said this, that’s all it took.  That was the crack in the door that fear kicked open and Job dwelled on this fear, this concern, this worry.

What we dwell on is what we should expect, so be mindful of your thoughts.  Keep your mind on the positive. Some call it optimism.  Others call it positive affirmations.  Whatever you want to call it, just make sure your mind is on thoughts that line up with the Word and God’s will for you (and optimism and positive affirmations are not enough).  Remember…

But seek ye first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness; and all these things shall be added unto you. Mathew 6:33 (KJV)

That’s what your mind should be on.  Remember the song,

Well, woke up this mo'nin
With my mind, stayin' on Jesus
Woke up this mo'nin
With my mind, stayin' on the Lord
Well, woke up this mo'nin
With my mind, stayin' on Jesus
Halleluh, halleleluh, halleleluh

That’s how you should be.  Don’t let fear run amuck in your head.  Grab it by the neck and remind it that it is not of the Spirit and kick it out!!


Keiyia JOYet George

Trust Walk: Walking in His Steps coming soon!


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