11 July 2016

Working in Peace

Working in PeaceI happened to be listening to a sermon regarding authority and I don’t recall how the pastor got to this, but he somehow ended up at James 3:16 which says:

For wherever there is jealousy and selfish ambition, there you will find disorder and evil of every kind.  James 3:16 (NLT)

The hairs on my arms lifted in revelation! Wherever there is jealous there is disorder.  Wherever there is selfish ambition (greed) there is every evil of all kinds.  Did you read this?  Did something jump out at you?  

Even as I type this, I am recalling situations in past work places where I didn’t understand why there was   confusion and evil heaviness.  I mean as you walk into the building, the burdens in the air spaces just landed on my shoulders.  One floor air is lighter to breath, while on another you are gasping for air.  What was causing this?

Well, if we look at the word in James 3:16, it says in the simplest form this heaviness and disorder is caused by envy and greed.  

So look around your workplace.  Are you seeing co-workers who are envious of one another?  Are they back biting one another?  Are they forming alliances to bring another down?  Are there two or more who never talked to one another who have all of a sudden best buddies because someone new joined the team? Well, if you have said yes to any of these or even came up with other situations, then there is jealousy present in your space.  

Greed.  Does the company’s policies benefit one set of staff rather than all AND the customer?  Are one set of people always left out of promotions or better benefits?  We just started a new year.  Did the company declare no raises across the board but granted some quietly to a few members?  What about the policies of the company overall.  Do they benefit the company and scheme to swindle the client?  Are the clients just a number in the bank account rather than someone who is shown respect and value?  Have you thought of any other examples of greed?  Well, if you say yes, then unfortunately the door to every evil has been opened.  The gates of confusion are unlocked.  Greed is the cause behind this.  

I’m saddened that I didn’t recognize this before.  I sometimes sit in a state of grief because I waited so long to really submit to God, but I KNOW this is the enemy’s goal: to keep me wallowing in the dirt of condemnation.  But I pull down this imagination and I GET UP!!!!  I know what to do now and I am SO glad I can share this with you.  I am also super excited to know that I can continue to implement this for organizations I have had or have relations with.  SO GET UP!!!!

Look up for the Word says

For God is not a God of disorder but of peace, as in all the meetings of God's holy people. 1 1 Corinthians 14:33 (NLT)

Sure this reference from Paul was about the gathering of saints but if God is not a God of confusion, then He is just that no matter what or when.  Point blank.  His Words are true in all situations and he is not the Father of confusion and evilness in your place of employment!  

If he is not the Father, then who is?  Well…must be the enemy, right?

So what are we reading?  When we work in places with jealousy and greed, the doors of confusion and everything evil are wide open.  Let’s not fret, though.  There are ways to get these doors closed.

1. Intercede on behalf of the organization.  Lift the company up in prayer.  Seek God on the company’s behalf.  Repent on behalf of the company.  Ask for God’s grace and mercy surround the place.  Cover the company in the blood.  Don’t get caught up in the gossip of the office.  Don’t speak ill of the organization.  Change your attitude of the company.  It’s not the people!!  It’s the spirits within.  

For we are not fighting against flesh-and-blood enemies, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places. Ephesians 6:12 (NLT)

2.  Speak blessings on the company.  The last point said to NOT get in involved in office gossip.  Office gossip is only bringing curses to the company and a curse is setting your place of employment up to fail.  Curses mean failure and when you profess failure, it cancels any blessing you have spoken.  

And so blessing and cursing come pouring out of the same mouth. Surely, my brothers and sisters, this is not right!  Does a spring of water bubble out with both fresh water and bitter water?  Does a fig tree produce olives, or a grapevine produce figs? No, and you can’t draw fresh water from a salty spring. James 3:10-12 (NLT)

3. Check yourself!!  We cannot change other people.  We can only pray for them.  But in that prayer, you yourself will begin to change.  Allow this change because God is taking you higher.  He will give you new ways to cover your work place.  He will open your eyes to matters to take to him.  HE will lead and direct your paths.  He will make you WISE!!!

If you are wise and understand God’s ways, prove it by living an honorable life, doing good works with the humility that comes from wisdom.  But if you are bitterly jealous and there is selfish ambition in your heart, don’t cover up the truth with boasting and lying.  For jealousy and selfishness are not God’s kind of wisdom. Such things are earthly, unspiritual, and demonic.  For wherever there is jealousy and selfish ambition, there you will find disorder and evil of every kind.

But the wisdom from above is first of all pure. It is also peace loving, gentle at all times, and willing to yield to others. It is full of mercy and good deeds. It shows no favoritism and is always sincere. And those who are peacemakers will plant seeds of peace and reap a harvest of righteousness.  James 3:13-18 (NLT)

As we see above three points, we can close the doors of confusion and evil through prayer, declarations, and self-discipline.  It’s not all drab.  There is peace on the other side of it all.  How do I know?  Because it happened to me.  I’ve prayed, blessed, and checked my attitudes and God never failed me.  If nothing else happened, I found peace.  For me, when I found peace, God elevated me physically and spiritually.  

Do your part but go an extra step: close the doors that jealousy and greed have opened.  Be your company’s mouth piece to God.  Lead them and your company leaders in prayer and watch God work on YOUR behalf.


As always, Love,
Keiyia JOYet George

I love hearing from you and this topic of workplace peace touches us all.  Can you commit to add to your workplace peace?  What will you commit to doing?  Share with us below and I will surely lift you in prayer.



  • Great article....the one thing I remember about places I have worked where there was jealousy and greed was in had done all I could do, tthe was only one question left. Was I to remain working in that company. As a result my exits have helped me see that there was a lesson in it and when my time was up in had peace in walking away.
    11/5/2016 3:07:15 PM Reply
    • @Lead Moderator: Thanks for your comment. What we should all learn is that after every negative situation, what was the lesson gained from it? Each tribulation is an opportunity to grow. Have I grown through this?
      11/6/2016 5:47:11 PM Reply
  • Kae
    Thanks for this hun....greed has overtaken a member of my family and this scripture really speaks volumes...so now its time for me to act. I will forgive her and rest her down right there....when its time to send money for my child I will send and say here you go...but this will expire very soon :)
    10/16/2016 9:34:45 PM Reply
    • @Kae: I really believe I'd we will lift people up in prayer, bondages will be broken. You never have to worry if God is pleased with that. It's it His word. Give the situation over to God and be an exemplary example to your child. Evil has crept in but you have the greatest weapon of all: prayer! Lift your petition to God and watch him work!!!
      10/16/2016 9:50:24 PM Reply
  • Keiyia, Nice article as you capture both envy and greed in a difference light as it relates to the work enviroment. I definitely need to start praying more for my workplace as greed and envy is present. Usually, when we dislike how things are in our environment most times we are quick to speak negative about the situation without realizing we can pray about the change that we would like to see. Thank you for this article as it shred some light on why certain things are happening in the work place.
    7/11/2016 4:56:27 PM Reply
    • @Mz Faithful: Yes!! If we would check the door to our mouth before opening, our places of employment (or business relationships in my case) would be so much better off. Speak life in your workplace. Be the salt and light we are meant to be. You got it! 🤗
      7/11/2016 6:27:30 PM Reply
  • I really love this post! Keep up the good work and sending positivity through this blog!
    7/11/2016 11:58:52 AM Reply
    • @Kimberly Cain: Thanks for reading and sharing, Kim. God has put a lot on my heart and my eyes are opening to things of Christ through the Holy Spirit (renewing my mind - getting rid of the religious brainwashing). Feel free to ask and discuss as needed. ❤️
      7/11/2016 6:32:44 PM Reply

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